Blend Retreat Weekend in Photos

Blend Retreat Weekend in Photos

Hello from 15,000 feet 🙂 I’m writing this post (or at least starting it…I’ve got Mad Men to watch!) on my flight back from Salt Lake City. I’m also clinging on to the armrest for dear life and listening to Disney music to distract me during what has been a frighteningly bumpy takeoff! Thank god … Continue reading

Calling all BLENDs — See you in Park City!

Calling all BLENDs — See you in Park City!

Just popping in really quickly to say hello — and goodbye! I’m leaving today to spend the evening in Salt Lake City with a few lovely ladies — Becky of course who I have already traveled with several times, as well as some new faces: Julie, Julie, Kim, Amanda, Lindsay, Alex and Mollie. Then tomorrow, we … Continue reading

Weekend in Photos

Weekend in Photos

Welp, another summer weekend come and gone! Sorry for the brief hiatus. I was on quite the emotional roller coaster last week, given last Friday’s events at my alma mater, UC Santa Barbara. I’m really glad I made the decision to invite a few other Sacramento-area UCSB alumnae to join me at a candlelight vigil at UC … Continue reading

UC Santa Barbara: My Second Home

UC Santa Barbara: My Second Home

The four years I attended college at UC Santa Barbara were the best of my life. I can’t tell you on how many different occasions I sat on the patio at the dining commons with friends, or walked the 5 minutes it took to get to the beach, or biked through Isla Vista, looked around, … Continue reading