Weekend in Photos

Hellooooo March weather and Spring time!

I know everyone hates springing forward because of the hour of sleep lost (the sleep lover in me can definitely hear that!), however it is arguably my favorite weekend of the year because I love having longer days! Don’t have to lug my bike light to work anymore or walk home in the dark– yippee!

I might (key word: MIGHT) miss my pre-sunrise 6:30am runs though once it starts to get lighter earlier again. Those were kind of nice πŸ˜‰ …..NAH who am I kidding?!

Anyway, let’s jump into it!


Friday was a weird day at work- half of the office was out, we went to a weird free breakfast event so I skipped lunch, and the day just seemed to drag. So the end of the day selfie was a given πŸ˜› I came home to my newΒ Fabletics outfit in the mail and IMMEDIATELY tried it on – will definitely be sharing more about what I bought soon!

I then cozied up with a plate of crackers and cheese (I also had a bowl of roasted veggies) and painted my nails while watching a classic: THE PRINCESS DIARIES. Oh, a green face mask may have also made an appearance. Yep, I’m 12 years old at heart. Did anyone else have a fat crush on Erik Von Detten as a preteen??


A chill evening in created ideal conditions for my Saturday morning run. My internal clock was still on weekday time and I woke up at 7am 😦 after lying in bed as long as I could, I got ready and was out by 9am for my run! As you can tell by the sweat, it was a HOT day. It ended up being in the mid-70’s later on and I was definitely feelin it!

It was a good one- 11.5 miles at race pace. I was actually averaging a bit slower than I wanted from miles 3-6ish, but I picked it up for the last couple of miles and averaged a whopping 8:30 for mile 11- then I spotted my friend Danielle and pretty much sprinted my last half mile (8:19 min/mi) with her boyfriend Noel πŸ˜›

This week is tapering week, so that was my last long training run! Cannot believe race time is almost here! It’s forecast to be 80 degrees on Sunday- good thing our wave starts early.


Afterward, I walked to the Farmer’s Market to get my favorite salsa and flowers (I love daisies!) and of course a dirty chai πŸ™‚
Then, I convinced my mom to come along for an impromptu Macy’s trip. Great/terrible decision… I love shopping with my mom, but she is a bad influence! She talked me into getting a couple of dresses. Luckily we had coupons πŸ˜‰ However, I went with the intention of replenishing my BareMinerals moisturizer and left with everything you see above, including BB cream, which I apparently use now….

I don’t have any pictures from Saturday evening, but it involved one final Sacramento Beer Week event (YummyΒ Dogfish Head beers at BarWest), followed by a quick game of pool (props to Chris for knocking in the 8 ball 10 minutes into our game!), and an epic Beatles listening sesh. I instituted a 10pm curfew for the weeks leading up to my race, so I was home and in bed by 11!


On Sunday morning, I woke up at 8am (meaning 7am…merrrr) to make a full farmers market trip with Yvette. It was actually kind of crazy how much cheaper some of the vendors are at the big Sunday Farmer’s Market! I might have to switch up my routine! We stopped at Yvette’s parents house afterward and got treated to breakfast (and lots of fun stories) by her mom.


The weekend ended with our dodgeball championship game, which came down to the wire- we started off down 1-3 and pulled off a 4-3 comeback victory! (Editor’s note: we did come back to make the score 4-3, but we actually ended up winning 5-4 in an overtime victory. Ahem, thanks for the correction ALEX GRAVES) I have such a great time playing on Sundays because my team is made up of some of my closest dodgeball friends — many of whom I’ve been playing with for well over a year! It helps that Sundays are a little less competitive than the Thursday A league, and we use a smaller, lighter ball as well πŸ™‚ Check out the play by play on the Xoso website here!

I’m now ready to take it easy this week- both with half marathon training and my social life- to prepare for Sunday’s race. Tyler is coming up on Friday night and we (+ Chris) start running at 8am sharp on Sunday morning!

Have a great week!

Do you have a favorite farmer’s market?

Any pre-half marathon race week tips?

10 thoughts on “Weekend in Photos

  1. My tips? No drinking from now until after the race! And I know you’re not a huge coffee drinker, but I’d avoid coffee as well. It always messes up my digestion system so I find it better to keep it out than to worry about dealing with it on race day πŸ™‚ I LOVE YOUR DRESSES!!!!!!!! But they do involve stripes so are you surprised?! πŸ˜‰ Looks like you had a fab weekend my dear – can’t wait to cheer you on for your race!

    • Hahaha I will try on the alcohol front! I’ve definitely been taking it easy the past week or so (I instituted a 2 drink limit :-D) and I definitely don’t want to do anything that might endanger a successful race!!

      Yesss so many stripes. LOVE stripes right now, and I know they’re your thang too πŸ™‚

    • Those are great tips! I can already tell my nerves are going to get the best of me, so I think relaxing and going with the flow sounds good πŸ™‚

  2. Okay, that dodge ball team looks like one of the funnest adult league sports I’ve ever seen, haha I actually want to join one in AZ now. How did you come across this?

    I’ve ran 2 half marathons and took different approaches both times. The first one I prepped my race day gear all in a pile, tapered my miles down to 3-4, and only lifted upper body weights and light non-running cardio 2 days before the race.

    The second race I cross trained on the elliptical, spinning, and zumba. Basically no forms of running and focusing on letting my body relax since I trusted myself enough to know that either way I would finish and had enough build up miles from prior weeks.

    The night before both races I kept my foods the same and had oats with pb and banana before the run. Oh, and a obligatory Starbucks black coffee πŸ™‚

    • Um it is seriously my life. I joined almost 3 years ago and met my ex bf (of 2 years), which was great and all, but for the last 8 ~single lady~ months I have just been having a blast. I heard about it through a friend. You should look into dodgeball/kickball leagues!!

      Thanks for the tips!! I’m definitely going to take it easy on the running this week and trust that the last 3+ months of training (plus 6 weeks of 10+ mile training runs) has prepared me!

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